
Answers to your questions

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    Can I continue to ask for referrals from the union representatives with whom I’m already working? +

    Yes, but you must not contact them until you have declared your workforce needs on the Carnet référence construction. If the union association has a permit, it will, in any case, be informed of your request at the same time as the CCQ. It may then ask you for details on your needs, send you its own list, and highlight particular candidates on that list. The other associations with a permit may do the same.
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    What guarantee is there that the list will meet my needs? +

    With the new advanced search functions (June 20), you can specify the vocational skills that you’re looking for. The referral system will select the candidates referred according to specific information contained in their profiles in relation to your expectations. For each position to fill, you will receive a predetermined number of candidates, which, if the labour pool permits, will meet your criteria, be available to work, and reside in the region of the job offered. You may also add specific comments to your request.

    We can thus guarantee that the CCQ’s list will contain candidates who offer the best possible match to your needs. Moreover, associations with a permit will also be able to bring candidates to your attention in their own ways. The final choice will always be yours.

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    I have a network of contacts among workers, and I usually contact them directly. Will I be able to continue to do this? +

    Yes. This is what we call direct hiring. You can offer a job to a worker you know, as before. The only difference is that you will have to use the Carnet référence construction to fill out your CCQ hiring notice.
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    How are the candidates in the Carnet référence construction lists classified? +

    The workers referred by the Carnet référence construction are selected first according to how well they match the criteria in your request, and then at random from among workers without a job and workers who asked to be referred even though they have a job. If the labour pool doesn’t contain enough candidates who meet your criteria, the system selects workers whose profile corresponds partially until there is a list with the required number of referrals. In compliance with the regulation, women will be referred first, but they will not be counted in the maximum number of names that may be referred.
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    What information does the Carnet référence construction list present? +

    The list gives the workers’ names, their personal information, their employment status, their level of correspondence with the criteria requested, the number of hours declared in the last 24 months, and a link to their professional and training profile.
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    How long does it take for me to get all of the lists? +

    When you submit a request for workers through the Carnet référence construction, you receive a preliminary list generated by the system in real time. The associations with a permit will have 48 hours to refer their candidates to you. Therefore, you will have the lists in two days at the latest. Note that if you modify your request, the deadline for the list to be delivered starts again from that moment.
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    There are emergency situations when I won’t be able to use the Carnet référence construction. What should I do? +

    Such emergency situations are defined in the regulation on referrals and correspond to the definitions used in the four major 2010-13 collective agreements: a situation in which work must be executed immediately to avoid material damages to an employer or a work provider or danger to public health and safety. If such a situation occurs, you may contact a union association directly to deal with this extraordinary situation. The associations with a permit will submit the list of referred workers and mention that the employer is invoking an emergency situation. For your part, you must use the Carnet to submit a justification report within 48 hours.

    The CCQ will be vigilant with regard to use of this exceptional measure. For example, a lack of planning never constitutes an emergency situation.

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    Once I have submitted a request via the Carnet référence construction, will all of my communications have to be made via this system? +

    No. Once the request is submitted, you may contact the people involved in any way you wish. Note that referrals, however, must always be made through the Carnet.
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    Will the Carnet référence construction validate the list from associations with a permit? +

    No, the system does not check the lists of associations with a permit.
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    Will the Carnet référence construction offer province-wide lists? +

    No, the system functions by region.
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    Will the customized referral service still exist to help employers find workers? +

    Yes, the service is still there if the employer is not able to find the workers needed from among those referred on the lists received.
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    What additional benefit does the customized referral service offer employers? +

    If an employer doesn’t find what is needed through the lists, the customized referral service will be offered. The team takes the time to contact workers and target those who correspond the best to the employer’s needs. In addition, follow-up is done with the employer after a list is submitted to check whether the referral objectives have been met.
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    How do I fill out my hiring and termination notices now? +

    Hiring and notices must be filled out only through the CCQ’s online services. In fact, now that the Carnet référence construction has been instituted, administrative formalities related to workforce management are grouped in a common platform.