Answers to your questions
Can my union still refer me to employers? +
As of September 9, your union has had to hold a permit to have the right to refer you via the construction industry’s referral service each time an employer expresses a need for workers in the Carnet référence construction. Associations with a permit may then ask for details, send their own list to the employer, and put forth candidates. -
If I don’t fill out my Professional Profile, does that mean that I won’t be referred? +
No, you will still be referred, though less effectively than your colleagues who have filled it out. Only your trade and your region of residence will be taken into account. With the new possibilities of advanced searches, which enable employers to specify vocational skills that they’re looking for, the referral system will select the candidates to refer according to the specific information contained in the profiles. The more specific your profile, the better the chance that jobs offered by employers will meet your expectations. -
I know a number of employers who appreciate my work and offer me the jobs I need. Will I be able to continue getting work this way? +
Yes. This is what is called direct hiring. These employers will be able to call you directly and offer you a job, as before. The employer will still have to declare your hiring to the CCQ, which will be done via the Carnet référence construction. -
Are there ways to make my name come up more often? +
Workers referred by the Carnet référence construction are selected at random from among the workers whose profile indicates that they corresponds to the needs expressed in the employer’s request. The best way to make sure your name comes up is to be as accurate as possible in what you put in your profile. -
I know how to install Duraform partitions, but I don’t like that task. If I remove the checkmark in front of this task in my profile, will the system still refer me for a job in which I have to do that? +
It’s unlikely but not impossible. If the employer has specified this skill in its request, the list generated by the system will automatically give priority to those who indicate that they want to be referred for jobs in which they would install Duraform partitions. If you are referred after you have removed the checkmark, it would be because the labour pool in your region is so small that no one else indicated an interest in installing Duraform partitions.
As for associations with permits, they will choose workers responding to the criteria that they refer in their own way.
Is choice of names to refer still made on the basis of number of hours accumulated? +
No. The system favours the criteria requested by employers and then makes a random selection from among the workers whose profile corresponds to the requests. The number of hours worked is taken into account only in the order in which the names on the list sent by the CCQ appear. -
Am I obliged to fill out my Professional Profile? +
No. The worker’s only obligation, as defined in Act R-20, is to indicate his or her availability to be referred. This is one of the components of the Professional Profile.
Can I ask to be referred even if I am currently employed? +
No. It is not possible to be referred by the CCQ when you already have a job. -
Who can consult my Professional Profile? +
Employers who receive your name as a referral can consult your profile so that they can assess your skills. -
Do women benefit from a priority referral service, as has been the case up to now? +
Yes. Each list supplied by the CCQ to an employer will present the women corresponding to the specified criteria at the top of the list, without considering them in the total of workers referred. -
How much time will it takes me to fill out my professional profile? +
It will takes you between 10 to 15 minutes to complete your professional profile. -
What is your employment status? +
Your employment status indicates your current availability and is updated when employers perform notices of hirings or layoffs or when the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) verifies its availability lists (labour pools). A person is considered available when he or she does not have a job and is considered unavailable when he or she has a job or cannot hold a job for a specific reason. -
What is my referral status? +
Your referral status indicates whether or not you wish to be referred when you are not currently employed.